News Centre
A selection of press articles and other media coverage of events hosted or co-facilitated by AVANTEAM is displayed below under the following 3 themes: Seminars and Workshops, Voice of Women Leaders, and Other Forums & Events. Follow the links to explore further.
Seminars & Workshops
Fearless Leadership: Believing in Self and Others
Paperjam Business Club September 2013
Fearless leadership is not about leading without fear. It’s about making a bold stand in the face of fear. As Nelson Mandela said,
« The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid but he who conquers that fear. »
Relationship Systems Intelligence: The New Leadership Edge
Paperjam Club, October 2011
Relationship Systems Intelligence is new and evolving territory in the field of organisational development. How does it impact team performance and team potential? What implications does it have for leadership?
“Get smart”
Paperjam Club, October 2011
A new management theory has emerged, building team efficiency on collective intelligence. A few words about the principles and strengths of such a method.
Le Coaching d’équipe : L’Art de révéler le Système à lui-même
POG, May 2011
Jeudi 26 mai, dans le cadre des 5 à 7, le POG eut le plaisir de travailler sur le thème : Le Coaching d’équipe: « L’Art de révéler le Système à lui-même », qui fut présenté par Yvonne O’REILLY, Managing Partner, AVANTEAM.